Official Dark Injection FAQ! Answers and Fixes!

Here you can find information regarding Dark Injection, or post questions if you need further help.
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Q: My editor camera is really messed up and off-center! What do I do?
A: Update Dark Injection to the latest Public build.

Q: How do I open the DI Installer? It's a .sporemod file...
A: You need to use the ModAPI Easy Installer. The link can be found on the DI download page.

Q: When I open the DI Installer, it gives me an error, saying that this operation "requires elevation". What do I do?
A: Make sure you have an up-to-date version of Dark Injection and the Spore ModAPI Launcher Kit.

Q: Why can't I save creatures that feature the parts?
A: You're running an outdated version of Dark Injection, on a formerly-unsupported client. Get the latest build and you should be fine.

Q: It doesn't work! How do I fix it?
A: Well first off, read the rest of the FAQ. If it doesn't answer your question, calm down, and reply to the thread with your question. Please provide as much information as possible, as I can't do anything with just "it doesn't work", bar sending you to this FAQ page.

Q: When will Dark Injection 9.r be finished?
A: It's in open beta now. I have no idea when it will be finished.

Q: Why are the textures all muddy? They look amazing in a lot of the screenshots but not in the actual mod! What the heck?
A: Update Dark Injection to the latest Public build. That, or I missed a part, in which case let me know.

Q: (Literally anything about Davo's involvement in DI 9.r's development)
A: Davo isn't making the 9.r update. I am. the "r" stands for "rob55rod", which is a remnant of when DI 9.r was an unofficial update. I was going to call it 9.1, but then I realized that there would be a lot of confusion if Davo made a 9.1 update, so I went with 9.r instead. I could go with 9.1 at this point, but I'm not going to, for the sake of consistency. (Mind you, I'm not exactly proud of the "9.r" version number's origins.)

Q: Why are the core spore parts all weird colored?
A: There are several possible reasons why this can happen:
1. Something went wrong in the Spore ModAPI Launcher Kit's game detection (let us know here!)
2. You've incorrectly manually installed an old version of Dark Injection
3. That tutorial you followed regarding Dark Injection installation was badly outdated or made by someone who didn't know what they were doing.

Q: How come that one green foot and purple wing are glitchy/invisible in the editor?
A: Because you're on an outdated version of Dark Injection.

A: Because that's not within my control. I couldn't if I tried. That having been said, you can put your modded creations in an adventure and share that, which still works for some reason... ._.

Q: Why do the feet sink into the ground?
A: I have no idea. Hopefully we'll have that one figured out sooner or later, but don't hold your breath.

Q: Why are the parts invisible?
A: There are several possible reasons why this can happen:
1. Something went wrong in the Spore ModAPI Launcher Kit's game detection (let us know here!)
2. You've incorrectly manually installed an old version of Dark Injection
3. You don't have atleast Patch 1.5.1
4. That tutorial you followed regarding Dark Injection installation was badly outdated or made by someone who didn't know what they were doing.

Q: Why aren't the invisible parts invisible like in some of DarkEdgeTV's videos?
A: I'm not sure. Just keep in mind that DarkEdgeTV is the exception, not the rule. They should still be invisible in the Sporepedia, adventures, and savegames, unles you're really unlucky. Regardless, I've tried damn-near everything I can think of to fix this, but nothing works :/
However, Dark Injection includes a component which makes them invisible...albeit also near-impossible to edit. I'd recommend only enabling it for screenshots.

Q: Can you make a Core Spore version?
A: We don't make mods dependent on GA for no reason. There's some stuff in GA that you just can't do with Core Spore, and also, GA provides a boatload of additional resources to work with. Combined with the fact that the Spore ModAPI requires GA, a version of DI for Core Spore isn't going to happen. Sorry. If it's any reassurance, Spore and its expansions go on sale for dirt cheap on Steam every now and then, so keep an eye out!

Q: Why does Creature Stage crash when I die/mate/do another very specific action?
A: We're not 100% sure this is actually a DI issue, as it seems to be triggered by a combination of several events (possibly including upgrading from 9.r Beta 1.1 to Beta 2.0.6), but whatever it is, the solution seems to be to just...wander around doing other things for a while first.

If these solutions don't help, just ask, and I'll see what I can do! ^-^
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You should also address the feet sinking in adventures.

You should also address DI parts are not shareable.

Also, you should add the proper install order for those here looking for that fix.

Just a suggestion, delete this post if needed, if i were on a pc i would fix it, but my pc is in the garage and wont return here til i buy a 200' Ethernet cable ha
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Davo wrote:You should also address the feet sinking in adventures.

You should also address DI parts are not shareable.

Also, you should add the proper install order for those here looking for that fix.

Just a suggestion, delete this post if needed, if i were on a pc i would fix it, but my pc is in the garage and wont return here til i buy a 200' Ethernet cable ha
Heh, thanks for the advice. I'll add those things right now. I've never had to patch Core Spore to run DI, so I might add that patching Core Spore is optional, but recommended. Also, the new Sporepedia model for DI 9.r has no pedestal, so that way the foot sinkage is...less bothersome. Hopefully EMD's SporeModder tool will facilitate the creation of fixed models for the feet. Hopefully.
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If I only use the basic Spore parts, my friends can't see my creation! How I can fix that? please do not be angry again
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Aylin1 wrote:If I only use the basic Spore parts, my friends can't see my creation! How I can fix that? please do not be angry again
Umm...did you violate the complexity limit? Are you using parts from legit expansions (Galactic Adventures, Creepy and Cute, Exoskeleton Limbs) your friend doesn't own? Are you using the Bot parts from Dark Injection? More info please. Always give every detail you can, even if it doesn't seem like it would be relevant.
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Complexity limit: Yes I have considered it.
Expansion compatibility: My friends own all expansions... it will not appear on
Bot Parts: No, haven't got Bot Parts. Because it doesn't work. (It blocks my already downloaded creations.)
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Aylin1 wrote:Complexity limit: Yes I have considered it.
Expansion compatibility: My friends own all expansions... it will not appear on
Bot Parts: No, haven't got Bot Parts. Because it doesn't work. (It blocks my already downloaded creations.)
Then I have no idea.
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Aylin1 wrote:If I only use the basic Spore parts, my friends can't see my creation! How I can fix that? please do not be angry again
When you say Core Spore parts, do you mean without expansions, as well as NO mods? Pure 100% Vanilla Spore?

The issue your friends encounter - Do they try to view your creation in game, and are met with an error that says something along the lines of "Requires Core Spore Parts"?

If so, this is a common error. According to a lot of posts I am seeing, those that are struggling to view Core Spore creations are advised to reinstall their entire copies of Spore in the following order; spore>patch 5.1>c&c>GA>patch 5.1 again

If they do not have C&C or GA, simply skip the step.

I hope this helps.
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Oh I use Spore with Steam... is that a problem?
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Aylin1 wrote:Oh I use Spore with Steam... is that a problem?
Yes, it's a problem, though I don't know if it's the problem.
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Hey Rob55rod, nice to know this is still a continuing mod. I'd just like to ask about my problem, which is that when in creature editor, the camera zooms out incredibly and goes off center. But here's the problem. I'm using the NC version.
I don't know if there's anything I've missed, or the mod will not work with betterspore or the CMBen's colour mod thing.
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Collapsix wrote:Hey Rob55rod, nice to know this is still a continuing mod. I'd just like to ask about my problem, which is that when in creature editor, the camera zooms out incredibly and goes off center. But here's the problem. I'm using the NC version.
I don't know if there's anything I've missed, or the mod will not work with BetterSpore or the CamBen's colour mod thing.
Odd. BetterSpore could cause some problems. What variant of the game are you using? Disk, Origin,or Steam?
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Well Spore is on Origin, and GA and Creepy and cute I believe are on disks... Although I have to be a noob and say I don't quite know where the program data is to check it out.. (it's obviously in the default save place, I just don't know where)
EDIT: nevermind, found it. Both GA and the original are origin games and the CC pack is from a disk.
Last edited by Collapsix on Sun Nov 02, 2014 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Collapsix wrote:Well Spore is on Origin, and GA and Creepy and cute I believe are on disks... Although I have to be a noob and say I don't quite know where the program data is to check it out.. (it's obviously in the default save place, I just don't know where)
Core Spore: C:/Program Files (x86)/Electronic Arts/SPORE/Data
Creepy & Cute: C:/Program Files (x86)/Electronic Arts/SPORE_BP1/Data
Galactic Adventures: C:/Program Files (x86)/Electronic Arts/SPORE_EP1/Data
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WOw you were quick. I had already found it, it was in the Origin Games folder.
Check the post again, I edited it.
Should I try again without betterspore, I suppose? Is there any optimal way I should set out the folders and the packages? I put the packages in the GA folder.
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Collapsix wrote:WOw you were quick. I had already found it, it was in the Origin Games folder.
Check the post again, I edited it.
Should I try again without betterspore, I suppose? Is there any optimal way I should set out the folders and the packages? I put the packages in the GA folder.
Try unpacking 2013_DI_NC_9.package with SporeMaster, delete the "editor_cameras~" folder. If that doesn't help, do the same for "editor_setup~". If you can't do that, I'll do it when I get home tonight. Actually, I might do that anyways, and add it to the OP for this thread, so I can just link the file.
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Whhat if there is no editor-cameras folder?
I can't see any link if you did that, apologies I cannot see haha. The editor-setup is there though, so I will try and delete that.
EDIT: Nope, it still does the thing. If this helps, it does only do this when playing the creature stage. When playing the creature editor from the menu with all the parts, it does not do this.
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Collapsix wrote:Whhat if there is no editor-cameras folder?
I can't see any link if you did that, apologies I cannot see haha. The editor-setup is there though, so I will try and delete that.
EDIT: Nope, it still does the thing. If this helps, it does only do this when playing the creature stage. When playing the creature editor from the menu with all the parts, it does not do this.
Oh. My bad, I think "Editor_Cameras~" would show up under the name "#40410100" for you. Delete that. If that doesn't work either, try this. It's a patch I developed. If that doesn't fix it either, I have no idea what else to suggest.
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rob55rod wrote:
Collapsix wrote:Whhat if there is no editor-cameras folder?
I can't see any link if you did that, apologies I cannot see haha. The editor-setup is there though, so I will try and delete that.
EDIT: Nope, it still does the thing. If this helps, it does only do this when playing the creature stage. When playing the creature editor from the menu with all the parts, it does not do this.
Oh. My bad, I think "Editor_Cameras~" would show up under the name "#40410100" for you. Delete that. If that doesn't work either, try this. It's a patch I developed. If that doesn't fix it either, I have no idea what else to suggest.
So do I need to delete all of the EditorCamera files shown here?
I did try adding in the patch before doing this which did not work, although I wasn't sure whether it needs to go in GA or the spore folder. here's the spore data folder, here's the spore folder, and here's the spore GA folder, if this helps.
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Collapsix wrote:
rob55rod wrote:
Collapsix wrote:Whhat if there is no editor-cameras folder?
I can't see any link if you did that, apologies I cannot see haha. The editor-setup is there though, so I will try and delete that.
EDIT: Nope, it still does the thing. If this helps, it does only do this when playing the creature stage. When playing the creature editor from the menu with all the parts, it does not do this.
Oh. My bad, I think "Editor_Cameras~" would show up under the name "#40410100" for you. Delete that. If that doesn't work either, try this. It's a patch I developed. If that doesn't fix it either, I have no idea what else to suggest.
So do I need to delete all of the EditorCamera files shown here?
I did try adding in the patch before doing this which did not work, although I wasn't sure whether it needs to go in GA or the spore folder. here's the spore data folder, here's the spore folder, and here's the spore GA folder, if this helps.
Yes, those files, and you might as well delete the folder itself, too.
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