Several ideas relating to mods, many interconnected or QoL related.
General improvements.
Lenient or no "cheating" flag. i would still like to earn acievements when i've been forced to use the console to resolve a bug or simply started from a given stage from galaxy.
Rebinding of keys. nothing fancy needed, just the ability to change the keybinds in some form of text editor. im always taking screenshots when i intend to "decend" in space stage.
sporepedia catelogue completion tracker for cell - civ stage. makes knowing when you're done scanning all the things.
Space Stage
Faster scroll in/out for space stage. ideally set values (in/out of star system, to/from planet, high, mid, and low altitudes. shortcut or scroll possibly).
Longer range communicator. this one could be an issue but some way of "contacting" the starsystems peopel without directly entering it? probably would have to default to first indexed planet so if more than one planet is populated and you needed to contact a specific one you'd still have to zoom in.
Civ stage
Starting city type override. allowing the player to choose their desired start regardless of traits earned (pacifist runs are problematic)
Epic immune vehicles/buildings/ no damage epics.
Tribal stage.
Fixing the damn food bug somehow. i know it has to do with pathfinding breaking. please PLEASE find someone find a way of fixing it, even if food "teleports" to stockpile or villagers have their actor collisions disabled and nolonger "queue" up to access.
Slower relation decay in Hard mode.
More tribes and longer tribe stage in general.
Sociable epics. im unsure if its a vanilla mechanic or a mod thing but the siren song ability allows socialing angry (red) creatures. assunimg its vanilla, if this could apply to epics too; provided the player can get close enough to one and survive long enough to make friends. alternatively, some other means of making friends with epics.
More creatures and nests and intercontinental nests?
much longer creature stage with more DNA points attainable for editing without cheats.
Faster social meter delta. just takes so long to fill up. not asking for "easier" social, just a fast forward on the bar animation and shorter times between interactions.
larger player pack size. 0, 2, 4, 6
more parts per bone pile/alpha and/or LOTS more bones. like, we have so many parts from dark injection but can't find enough bones or alphas to unlock them all in creature stage; a completionists nightmare.
3 in one, Full cell editor with 3D and handles/widgets on parts and advenced cell parts, possibly synced to base part unlock? else, just force unlocked from the start. all with infinite complexity (because cell misses out on dark injections complexity unlimiter).
longer cell stage.
cell stage render size increased for ultrawide and larger zoom out.
possibly active abilities and new abilities? like poisoned spikes, or paralysing clouds?