"D.S.Salvatore" Patch Mod (update) version:19082022

Space stage related mods.
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"D.S.Salvatore" Patch Mod (update) version:19082022

Unread post by D.S.Salvatore »


Please contact me the moderator of the Davo site who has the ability to modify the site code.

Этап "Космос"
- (новое) MoreMoney подарит максимум спорлингов.
- (новое) Встреча со Стивом подарит все существующие инструменты, которые не требуют апгрейда - не считая посоха жизни.
- (новое) Повышена стоимость артефактов, теперь это наиболее прибыльная профессия (искать артефакты).
- Вызов мини-клона, щит и маскировка перемещены на панель основных инструментов. Это сделано потому, что при наличии всех видов супероружия у вас создается две страницы оружия в верхней панели. Это вызывает некоторые ошибки в игре при некоторых моментах. Поэтому указанные выше инструменты перемещены.
- У предметов изменения терраиндекса планеты, установления контакта, основных инструментов и вооружения теперь есть своя ячейка. Эти предметы при появлении или покупке отправляются не в первую свободную ячейку на палете а заранее подготовленную для нее как делают краски. Теперь инструменты будут идти в логическом порядке.
- Увеличена награда за уничтожение кораблей, городов. Увеличен размер подарка империй для вас. Цена за военный мир увеличена.
- Некоторым космическим инструментам добавлена стоимость для использования.
- Теперь снаряжение корабля расходует больше энергии. Сделано это потому, что снаряжение, которое пополняет энергию корабля одно из самых бесполезных в игре и практически не используется. Теперь расход будет увеличен и сбалансирован. Допустим чтобы призвать пиратов на атаку планеты с первым улучшением энергоемкости корабля - понадобится полный бак.
- Вы можете вызвать корабли союзников по запросу до бесконечности пока позволяют свободные слоты союзников. Можно собрать 5 кораблей одной и той же империи.
- Добавлено два новых вида минералов. Вы замечали, что на каждый цвет минерала есть своя краска планет в игре? Но для оранжевой и бирюзовой нет. Добавлены именно эти цвета минералов! Попадутся в системах, которые игра ещё не загрузила.
- Стандартный набор Посоха жизни можно купить у своей империи, при наличии определённых медалей и уровня империи (Зоолог 5, Терраформист 5 Империя 5).
- Родной мир более производительный. Исправлена ошибка Maxis.
- Полная поддержка Английской и Русской локализации.
- Встреча со Стивом подарит улучшение Посоха жизни и сделает его бесконечным.
- Пряность переименована в Минералы на всех аспектах игры во всех диалогах и конфигурациях.
- Вы можете изменить стиль стен космического объекта вашей империи.
- SpaceCreate даст полностью все возможные инструменты в игре предназначеные для игрока (исключая инструменты и возможности, которые требуют апгрейда).
- Опыт, который получает Капитан за любые приключения равен 100. Изменен опыт, который требуется на каждый уровень - теперь можно получить все предметы капитана и супероружие, которое не исчезнет после рестарта.
- Коррекция здоровья башен, городов, НЛО.
- Вы можете заключить до 5 торговых соглашений.
- Число кораблей торговли сокращено в два раза
- Оригинальная Русская локализация исправлена.
- Ваша империя может напасть на другую империю за определенную сумму.
- Грузовой отсек имеет два дополнительных улучшения.
- Чтобы поставить морскую колонию нужно выровнить почву песка возле моря с помощью выравнивающего инструмента терраформирования. Поставить колонию на половину в воде.
- Добавлена возможность редактировать существо вашей империи.
- Специально для Русской локализации переименован архиетип "Странник" на "Пират". Во всех конфигурациях и аспектах игры.
- Архетип "Пират" имеет супероружие Рыцаря.

Этап "Цивилизация"
- Пряность переименована в Минералы на всех аспектах игры во всех диалогах и конфигурациях.

Редактор существ
- Добавлены стандартные части клеток в редактор существ.
- Добавлено пение роботам, если роботы у вас в комплекте.
- Много новых фонов для существ.

Общая графика
- Исправлена ошибка отображения морского порта в колониях Гроксов, игрока и руин.
- Тени, текстуры более плавные как и ночное время суток, улучшено дневное отображение.
- Графика исправлена и налажена, добавлена плавность.
- Нагрузка на движок налажена, более менее в отличие от оптимизации разработчиков Maxis.
- Изменен внешний вид галактики.
- Частично скорректирована работа камеры в всех конфигурациях и аспектах игры.

Не переименовывайте мой файл. Для корректной работы все другие моды должны в алфавитной сортировке быть после моего патч-мода.

Следующее обновление поста будет в течении 14 дней.
Новые локализации добавляются по просьбе и помощи в локализации.
Принимаю предложения по нововведениям.
Если графика вам не нужна - удалите все файлы кроме !patch_01.packahe и !patch_02_Graphics.package

Stage "Space"
- (new) MoreMoney will give you a maximum of sporlings.
- (new) Meeting with Steve will give you all the existing tools that do not require an upgrade - not counting the staff of life.
- (new) The cost of artifacts has been increased, now it is the most profitable profession (to search for artifacts).
- Summon a mini-clone, shield and disguise moved to the main toolbar. This is done because if you have all kinds of superweapons, you create two pages of weapons in the upper panel. This causes some errors in the game at some points. Therefore, the above tools have been moved.
- The objects of changing the terraindex of the planet, establishing contact, basic tools and weapons now have their own cell. When these items appear or are purchased, they are not sent to the first free cell on the pallet, but prepared in advance for it as paints are made. Now the tools will go in a logical order.
- Increased reward for the destruction of ships, cities. Increased the size of the gift of empires for you. The price for military peace has been increased.
- Some space tools have added a cost to use.
- Now the ship's equipment consumes more energy. This is done because the equipment that replenishes the ship's energy is one of the most useless in the game and is practically not used. Now the expense will be increased and balanced. Let's say to summon pirates to attack the planet with the first improvement in the energy intensity of the ship - you will need a full tank.
- You can summon allied ships on request indefinitely as long as free ally slots allow. You can collect 5 ships of the same empire.
- Added two new types of minerals. Have you noticed that each color of the mineral has its own planet paint in the game? But not for orange and turquoise. Added exactly these colors of minerals! They will come across in systems that the game has not yet loaded.
- A standard set of the Staff of Life can be purchased from your empire, if you have certain medals and empire level (Zoologist 5, Terraformist 5 Empire 5).
- The home world is more productive. Fixed Maxis bug.
- Full support for English and Russian localization.
- Meeting with Steve will give you the improvement of the Staff of Life and make it endless.
- Spice is renamed to Minerals on all aspects of the game in all dialogues and configurations.
- You can change the style of the walls of the space object of your empire.
- SpaceCreate will give you all the possible tools in the game intended for the player (excluding tools and features that require an upgrade).
- The experience that the Captain gets for any adventures is 100. The experience required for each level has been changed - now you can get all the captain's items and superweapons that will not disappear after the restart.
- Correction of the health of towers, cities, UFOs.
- You can conclude up to 5 trade agreements.
- The number of trade ships has been halved
- The original Russian localization has been fixed.
- Your empire can attack another empire for a certain amount.
- The cargo compartment has two additional improvements.
- To set up a marine colony, you need to level the soil of sand near the sea using a terraforming leveling tool. Put the colony half in the water.
- Added the ability to edit the creature of your empire.
- The archetype "Wanderer" was renamed to specifically for Russian localization"Pirate". In all configurations and aspects of the game.
- Archetype "Pirate" has a Knight superweapon.

Stage "Civilization"
- Spice is renamed to Minerals on all aspects of the game in all dialogues and configurations.

Creature Editor
- Added standard cell parts to the creature editor.
- Added singing to robots if you have robots included.
- Lots of new backgrounds for creatures.

General graphics
- Fixed the error of displaying the seaport in the colonies of Grox, player and ruins.
- Shadows, textures are smoother as well as night time, daytime display is improved.
- Graphics are fixed and adjusted, smoothness is added.
- The load on the engine is adjusted, more or less in contrast to the optimization of Maxis developers.
- Changed the appearance of the galaxy.
- Partially adjusted camera operation in all configurations and aspects of the game.

Don't rename my file. For correct operation, all other mods must be alphabetically sorted after my patch mod.

The next update of the post will be within 14 days.
New localizations are added upon request and localization assistance.
I accept suggestions for innovations.
If you don't need graphics, delete all files except !patch_01.packahe and !patch_02_Graphics.package
Download 1.21 GB
Last edited by D.S.Salvatore on Fri Aug 19, 2022 10:32 am, edited 20 times in total.
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Re: Патч-мод "D.S.Salvatore" версия:23072022

Unread post by ReaperGamerYT »

here what he said but in English

This is a test part of my patch-mod, which is fully localized in Russian. The original weighs 2 gigabytes. I posted this part so that the players would have an understanding of the existence of this patch mod, as well as get the opportunity to get feedback on improvements and fixes for some of the functions that I do not have time to carefully check myself.
This is not a separate modification, but a cut from the original, however, I checked the functionality of the functions that I published.
The version was made and tested exclusively on the original version of the game with Internet access on Mac OS computers. Therefore, the following: If the patch mod or some function does not work for you, either you did not restart the galactic core (it is required for some functions to work), or you have modifications that duplicate unnecessary game functions or affect the functions changed me, either you renamed my file (may affect both graphics and functions), or you have an outdated version of the game that is very different from the current official one.

When I finish making a full patch mod of game fixes and optimizations, I will post the full package, now we are working on improving the game engine to create a modern Spore with support for official functions.
The original already has improvements in the levels of empires, two options for ending the meeting with Steve. New coordination for the planet Earth where life appears after meeting with Steve. Trading with Grox is available but with other instruments. Superweapon for destroying the Grox, Earth and for allying with the Grox, a new interface in a modern style, the ability to call the Grox flotilla (superweapon for allying with the Grox) and so on. But these functions were too lazy to pull out so many variable files. The original is, I don’t know when I’ll post it. It takes a lot of time and effort to make changes, especially graphic ones. It's just as difficult to do paskage for you, since most of the functions only work under mod api - this is also an optimization problem for all PCs. Now I'm rewriting mod api for Mac.

Modifications to this package

Modification-fix graphics:
Fixed a bug with the display of the seaport in the colonies of the Grox, the player and the ruins. The port is no longer shifted and fits properly to the base of the colony according to in-game texture ratios.
Shadows, textures are smoother as well as night time, improved daytime rendering (affects all stages and editors, except for the cell).
Graphics fixed and tweaked, smoothness added (in development, engine features do not allow it to be done correctly in order to continue maintaining all types of PCs (affects all stages and editors, except for the cell).
The load on the engine is adjusted, more or less in contrast to the optimization of Maxis developers.
New view of the galaxy

Editors modification:
Added standard cell parts to the creature editor
Added singing to robots if you have robots in the set
Many new backgrounds for creatures

Modification-fix of the stage "Civilization":
Spice changed to minerals

Modification-fix of the stage "Space" ": The
staff of life can be bought upon obtaining certain achievements.
Meeting with Steve gives an improvement to the staff of life (will no longer consume a charge.
The galaxy has become significantly larger, the position of celestial bodies has been shifted, (requires a restart of the galaxy to work.)
Tribes and civilizations with some chance can change the level of development
changed to minerals.Ability
to change the walls of the colony.
up.Spicethere is a tool for hacking the pilot's galactic wallet (available for a period of time gives 1000000 spores)
SpaceCreate will give all possible tools in the game intended for the player (excluding tools and features that require an upgrade).
The experience that the Captain receives for any adventure is 100. The experience required for each level has been changed - now you can get all the captain's items and superweapons that will not disappear after the restart.
Correction of the health of towers, cities, UFOs.
Empires do not develop much faster.
5 trade agreements.
Correction of Russian localization on a more thorough level.
Your empire can attack another empire for a certain amount (the current game engine does not allow you to make the capture automatic - so you need to press the button to capture the system). There is an idea to make this function and fanatic weapons shine, but there are problems and bugs that introduce imbalance with this combination)
Two improvements to the cargo compartment.
The auto-blaster got a little stronger.
Genetic modifier at the Space stage (even I didn't manage to make it possible to change captains yet)

VKontakte for communication on modifications or development request: DSSalvatore (knock in the comments).

i copied what he said and put it in a document to translate so you might see some inaccuracies but hey still gives you an idea
I am nab
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Re: Патч-мод "D.S.Salvatore" версия:23072022

Unread post by D.S.Salvatore »

Yes, that's right. Thanks for the English post. If there is a demand for this fashion clipping. I will make a translation into Czech, Spanish, Ukrainian, English. And I will also cut out the extra resources and files that remain from other functions to optimize the weight. Now it's interesting to understand how much players will be interested in my balanced combinations of mods. So, perhaps, everyone will like the modifications that introduce the collapse of the original plot.

Also for those who read this post information: I'm looking for those who know how to draw textures from scratch, being able to optimize them to refine the game.

Also, you need a person who understands websites to create your own version of the sporepedia website and fix it in the code as a backup communication option that will be activated in an offline game for players who do not have a license or cannot use their own.
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Re: Патч-мод "D.S.Salvatore" версия:23072022

Unread post by D.S.Salvatore »

Thanks, I have re-downloaded the version and updated it. Also added an English translation for convenience.

ReaperGamerYT wrote: Sat Jul 23, 2022 8:15 am here what he said but in English

This is a test part of my patch-mod, which is fully localized in Russian. The original weighs 2 gigabytes. I posted this part so that the players would have an understanding of the existence of this patch mod, as well as get the opportunity to get feedback on improvements and fixes for some of the functions that I do not have time to carefully check myself.
This is not a separate modification, but a cut from the original, however, I checked the functionality of the functions that I published.
The version was made and tested exclusively on the original version of the game with Internet access on Mac OS computers. Therefore, the following: If the patch mod or some function does not work for you, either you did not restart the galactic core (it is required for some functions to work), or you have modifications that duplicate unnecessary game functions or affect the functions changed me, either you renamed my file (may affect both graphics and functions), or you have an outdated version of the game that is very different from the current official one.

When I finish making a full patch mod of game fixes and optimizations, I will post the full package, now we are working on improving the game engine to create a modern Spore with support for official functions.
The original already has improvements in the levels of empires, two options for ending the meeting with Steve. New coordination for the planet Earth where life appears after meeting with Steve. Trading with Grox is available but with other instruments. Superweapon for destroying the Grox, Earth and for allying with the Grox, a new interface in a modern style, the ability to call the Grox flotilla (superweapon for allying with the Grox) and so on. But these functions were too lazy to pull out so many variable files. The original is, I don’t know when I’ll post it. It takes a lot of time and effort to make changes, especially graphic ones. It's just as difficult to do paskage for you, since most of the functions only work under mod api - this is also an optimization problem for all PCs. Now I'm rewriting mod api for Mac.

Modifications to this package

Modification-fix graphics:
Fixed a bug with the display of the seaport in the colonies of the Grox, the player and the ruins. The port is no longer shifted and fits properly to the base of the colony according to in-game texture ratios.
Shadows, textures are smoother as well as night time, improved daytime rendering (affects all stages and editors, except for the cell).
Graphics fixed and tweaked, smoothness added (in development, engine features do not allow it to be done correctly in order to continue maintaining all types of PCs (affects all stages and editors, except for the cell).
The load on the engine is adjusted, more or less in contrast to the optimization of Maxis developers.
New view of the galaxy

Editors modification:
Added standard cell parts to the creature editor
Added singing to robots if you have robots in the set
Many new backgrounds for creatures

Modification-fix of the stage "Civilization":
Spice changed to minerals

Modification-fix of the stage "Space" ": The
staff of life can be bought upon obtaining certain achievements.
Meeting with Steve gives an improvement to the staff of life (will no longer consume a charge.
The galaxy has become significantly larger, the position of celestial bodies has been shifted, (requires a restart of the galaxy to work.)
Tribes and civilizations with some chance can change the level of development
changed to minerals.Ability
to change the walls of the colony.
up.Spicethere is a tool for hacking the pilot's galactic wallet (available for a period of time gives 1000000 spores)
SpaceCreate will give all possible tools in the game intended for the player (excluding tools and features that require an upgrade).
The experience that the Captain receives for any adventure is 100. The experience required for each level has been changed - now you can get all the captain's items and superweapons that will not disappear after the restart.
Correction of the health of towers, cities, UFOs.
Empires do not develop much faster.
5 trade agreements.
Correction of Russian localization on a more thorough level.
Your empire can attack another empire for a certain amount (the current game engine does not allow you to make the capture automatic - so you need to press the button to capture the system). There is an idea to make this function and fanatic weapons shine, but there are problems and bugs that introduce imbalance with this combination)
Two improvements to the cargo compartment.
The auto-blaster got a little stronger.
Genetic modifier at the Space stage (even I didn't manage to make it possible to change captains yet)

VKontakte for communication on modifications or development request: DSSalvatore (knock in the comments).

i copied what he said and put it in a document to translate so you might see some inaccuracies but hey still gives you an idea
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