Hold down Shift to move a part along the X and Z axes.
Hold down Control (or CMD on Mac) to move a part along the Y axis.
--Current Glitches--
If you move a part too far from whatever it's attached to, it will become parentless.
While the mod does detect this and changes the part's parent to be the spine, it is not a full fix; hands and feet do not work very well with this system, for example.
https://github.com/VanillaCold/Spore-Ad ... ses/latest
This mod requires both Universal Property Enhancer, and by extension, the Spore ModAPI Launcher Kit.
Changelog: Version 3.0:
- Improved the "snap suppressor" functionality; still doesn't work when moving parts with Ctrl or Shift, but now it should work on all parts.
- Fixed the largest-standing bug in the entire mod, where parts could be made "parentless" by moving them too far from their parent.
- Completely reworked the mod to use Universal Property Enhancer, to improve compatibility with mods like Dark Injection.
- New feature: the "Snap Suppressor", which makes parts only snap to the center of the creature when much closer to it than in vanilla Spore.
- Fixed a bug where creatures without legs float.
- Fixed a bug where the game could crash when editing creatures in the space stage.
- Fixed a bug where the Creepy & Cute parts appeared twice in the Creature Editor
Version 1.3: Genetic Modifier versions added; they add creature parts and permit modification of the creature inside the outfitters.
Version 1.2: The "Vanilla" complexity versions have been added; they make the complexity meter in the outfitters the same as the vanilla game but may be incompatable with DI.
Version 1.1: Advanced CE now works in the outfitters!
Version 1.0: Official release Outdated versions, for archival purposes:
https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvuubHYsSlZUmkvUPzw ... Z?e=xPv4P9