Advanced CE ~ Creature Part Clipping

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This mod adds the "free part movement" feature from the Building Editor to the Creature Editor, while also adding the ability to modify, add and remove creature parts while in the editors.

Hold down Shift to move a part along the X and Z axes.
Hold down Control (or CMD on Mac) to move a part along the Y axis.

--Current Glitches--
If you move a part too far from whatever it's attached to, it will become parentless.
While the mod does detect this and changes the part's parent to be the spine, it is not a full fix; hands and feet do not work very well with this system, for example.

Download: ... ses/latest

This mod requires both Universal Property Enhancer, and by extension, the Spore ModAPI Launcher Kit.

Changelog: Version 3.0:
  • Improved the "snap suppressor" functionality; still doesn't work when moving parts with Ctrl or Shift, but now it should work on all parts.
  • Fixed the largest-standing bug in the entire mod, where parts could be made "parentless" by moving them too far from their parent.
Version 2.0:
  • Completely reworked the mod to use Universal Property Enhancer, to improve compatibility with mods like Dark Injection.
  • New feature: the "Snap Suppressor", which makes parts only snap to the center of the creature when much closer to it than in vanilla Spore.
  • Fixed a bug where creatures without legs float.
  • Fixed a bug where the game could crash when editing creatures in the space stage.
  • Fixed a bug where the Creepy & Cute parts appeared twice in the Creature Editor
Version 1.4: Nudge handles and "power handles" added when using the Genetic Modifier versions.

Version 1.3: Genetic Modifier versions added; they add creature parts and permit modification of the creature inside the outfitters.

Version 1.2: The "Vanilla" complexity versions have been added; they make the complexity meter in the outfitters the same as the vanilla game but may be incompatable with DI.

Version 1.1: Advanced CE now works in the outfitters!

Version 1.0: Official release Outdated versions, for archival purposes:!AvuubHYsSlZUmkvUPzw ... Z?e=xPv4P9
Version 1.1
(12.65 KiB) Downloaded 1343 times
Version 1.0
(7.27 KiB) Downloaded 1018 times
Last edited by vanillacold on Sat Jul 15, 2023 1:02 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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New update!
This mod now effects the outfitters!
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New update! This adds an extra varient of the mod which sets the complexity limit in the outfitters to that of the vanilla game - so outfitted creations from before people get this mod shouldn't get marked as too complex if they don't have Dark Injection.
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Another new update!
This adds the ability to add and remove creature parts (and vertebrae) while in the outfitters.
If you had a captain which only had level 1 in speed, you can finally give it fast feet, for example!
Hello there! I'm a random guy who sometimes does *slightly* smart stuff. I do a lot of random Spore shenanigans, too.
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New update! Nudge handles & captain part "power handles" now work in the creature editor, so they won't spontaneously go missing if you had DI installed.
Hello there! I'm a random guy who sometimes does *slightly* smart stuff. I do a lot of random Spore shenanigans, too.
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NEW UPDATE! This long overdue update adds both C&C parts and exoskeleton limbs to the "EvoOutfitter" versions of Advanced CE.
Hello there! I'm a random guy who sometimes does *slightly* smart stuff. I do a lot of random Spore shenanigans, too.
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I have a few questions and/or bug reports.

So, the EvoOutfitter doesn't play too nice with Tribal Stage, since it locks creature parts at the beginning of the stage and has you unlock them instead of outfitter parts most of the time, and all outfitters in general are severely hampered by the fact that creature parts still cost in those editors. Obviously this can be "fixed" with other mods like No Funding Needed, but I'm just wondering if the locking of parts during Tribal is intended or if it's some side effect of the way EvoOutfitter does things.

Secondly, the EvoOutfitter will crash Space Stage whenever the Creature Tweaker or Create Creature tools are used, but I'm not sure why.
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hey so i have dark injections which makes editor boundaries much bigger, but advanced CE returns the vanilla boundaries which is very confusing, can you please fix this?
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...What is that download link? Can you also share the raw file(s)?
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Plarbo wrote: Sun Feb 13, 2022 12:57 pm ...What is that download link? Can you also share the raw file(s)?
The download link is a OneDrive link, since that's where I uploaded the mod to.
As for sharing the raw files, what exactly do you mean by that? (the source code or the loose .package files?)
Hello there! I'm a random guy who sometimes does *slightly* smart stuff. I do a lot of random Spore shenanigans, too.
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By raw files I meant the loose .package files. But don't worry about it, I've already got it it like a week ago.
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Bruhthebruh wrote: Tue Dec 07, 2021 11:53 pm hey so i have dark injections which makes editor boundaries much bigger, but advanced CE returns the vanilla boundaries which is very confusing, can you please fix this?
I've got a similar problem in that it doesn't quite return creature complexity to vanilla boundaries as far as I can tell, but they're definitely not as big as they should be. It only happened after I uninstalled to use the creature tweaker in a space game and then reinstalled it. Interestingly, the captain outfitter is still infinite.

My modlist:
Space Stage Timeline Fix
[UPE] No Funding Needed
2.5D Cell Editor
Enter Editor
Dark Injection
Advanced CE (EvoOutfitter, Modded complexity)
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Advanced CE version 2.0 has been released!**

  • Completely reworked the mod to use Universal Property Enhancer, to improve compatibility with mods like Dark Injection.
  • New feature: the "Snap Suppressor", which makes parts only snap to the center of the creature when much closer to it than in vanilla Spore.
  • Fixed a bug where creatures without legs float.
  • Fixed a bug where the game could crash when editing creatures in the space stage.
  • Fixed a bug where the Creepy & Cute parts appeared twice in the Creature Editor
In order for this new version to work, Advanced CE now requires Universal Property Enhancer and, by extension, the Spore ModAPI Launcher Kit.
Hello there! I'm a random guy who sometimes does *slightly* smart stuff. I do a lot of random Spore shenanigans, too.
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Whenever I turn on "Evo Outfitter" it turns the the Genectic Modifer from DI completely blank except for mod parts and the only way I know of how to fix it is the reinstall the game entirely, I don't want to reinstall & lose my planets again, is there a way to fix this? Reinstalling DI doesn't work, and disabling Evo Advantage does nothing. Doing both doesn't work still.
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I wanted to use this mod for the clipping feature, but when I go into an outfitter the creature parts count for the cost. Any way to fix this, or is this intended? I don't use EvoOutfitter.
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That1TVHead wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 2:49 am I wanted to use this mod for the clipping feature, but when I go into an outfitter the creature parts count for the cost. Any way to fix this, or is this intended? I don't use EvoOutfitter.
Ah, that's a bug. I think I know how to fix it, so I'll try to release a patch in the somewhat near future to rectify the issue.
Hello there! I'm a random guy who sometimes does *slightly* smart stuff. I do a lot of random Spore shenanigans, too.
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Advanced CE version 3.0 is released!
This update heavily mitigates the mod's longest-standing issue - that being, parts becoming parentless.
With version 3.0 installed, any parts that have been made parentless will instead become parented to the creature's spine.
With some notable exceptions (Hands and feet in particular will fail to save or share), this almost entirely fixes the previous issues with the mod.
Hello there! I'm a random guy who sometimes does *slightly* smart stuff. I do a lot of random Spore shenanigans, too.
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